Sunday, November 16, 2008

Iliad/Troy Comparison

In the Iliad and Troy there were some similarities and differences in the book and the movie. They had much more similarities then differences. For example, they both portray Achilles as being almost immortal and being a strong and reliable fighter. Both the book and the movie also show that Achilles is a very angry person and that sometimes his anger can get the best of him. It displays this when he kills Hector and drags him around the city. Also, they both had many fight scenes and in both of them the cause of their fighting was Helen.

Some of the Differences I found were that in the book, the gods were more a part of the battles and they altered the outcome in them. Where as in the movie there was not much reference to gods or anything supernatural. Another difference was that in the movie the slave girl and the priest were combined to form one character and in the movie they are separate. I believe they did this so that it would be easier to understand all the characters and not get confused by adding more characters to the plot.

I preferred the movie over the book because it was much easier to understand all the characters and visualize what was going on. The movie was also easier to follow along just because the book was in a poetic format which made it much harder to read and comprehend everything that was going on.